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Outdoor Wilderness Military Kit

We're so sure that you will love our products here at Outdoor Survival and offer our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you have a problem with your order and no one else can help, send us an email over to desda77@gmail.com and we'll do OUR Outdoor Survival GUARANTEE BEST to make things right for you.

Color: Black

The package including:
⒈(7.5*7.5cm)Gauze swabs antiseptice*5pcs
⒉(6*7cm)Wound dressing*5pcs
⒊Large adhesive band-aid*10pcs
⒋Small adhesive band-aid*30pcs
⒌Cleansing wipe*2pcs
⒍FBT bandage*2pcs
⒏Safety pins*10pcs
⒐Iodine cotton swabs*15pcs
⒑Adhesive tape*1pc
⒓Triangular bandages*1 bag
⒔Emergency blanket*1pcs
⒕Finger top bandage*5pcs
⒖Sting relief wipes*5pcs
⒗Knuckle bandage*5pcs
⒘(14cm)Stainless steel scissors*1pc
19.(20*15*8cm)empty bag*1pc
Total---19 kinds,103pcs.


Collections: First Aid

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